Kanye West taps Drake and Future for more new music - News - Mixmag

Kanye West taps Drake and Future for more new music

After his recent release, Kanye teases more coming collaborations

  • Valerie Lee
  • 18 February 2016

Kanye West released his seventh studio album 'The Life of Pablo' just days ago.

In an uncharacteristic stroke of humbleness, Kanye took to his Twitter to thank a few of his familiar friends for their help on his recent output.

Firstly, the Chicago hip-hop icon thanked Drake for his assistance on two tracks from his album, '30 Hours' and 'Father Stretch My Hands'. He went on to explain that "with no strings attached", Drake would join him in the studio to help him bring the tracks together.

Additionally, he mentioned that Future aided on writing duties for 'The Life of Pablo', then confirmed that he has collaborative work with both Drake and Future that will "drop soon".

Kanye has been a long time fan of Drake, mentioning early last year that his Canadian peer was "delivering a level of product to humanity that is of high quality" before openly inviting him to work together as a team to "deliver more awesomeness to the world".

[Photo: James Drobik]

[Via: The Fader]

Valerie Lee is Mixmag's West Coast Editor. Follow her on Twitter

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